AF3IRM and OPBSI Rise Up for Justice Raising $10K at 2016 ROHW

AF3IRM is a national organization of women engaged in transnational feminist, anti-imperialist activism and dedicated to the fight against oppression in all its forms. AF3IRM’s diverse, multi-ethnic membership is committed to militant movement-building from the United States and effects change through grassroots organizing, trans-ethnic alliance…

OPBSI Rises Up to End Sexual Violence

OPBSI Rises Up to End Sexual Violence

: OPBSI Launches “Sis, I Got You! Rising Up to End Sexual Violence” : OPBSI Launches a powerful and inclusive national campaign for Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April with a series of events called “Take Action Tuesday”. Chapters and Collectives are encouraged to continue to host their own SAAM events as…

ROHW Weekend of ACTivism

ROHW Weekend of ACTivism

<3>Weekend of ACTivism – Ray of Hope Walk 2014 The Ray of Hope Walk focuses on challenging women and men alike to be a part of the movement to end this global epidemic– in an effort to create a safe and equitable society for all. This is where…

Domestic Violence: An Indiscriminate Social Affair

Domestic Violence – An Indiscriminate Social Affair Originally posted By Omega Phi Beta on Friday, March 15, 2013 Domestic Violence (DV) seems to be something that we all know about, yet no one realizes the severity of the issue until you are personally affected by it. It is present in many…