
Ray of Hope Walk – Propelling the movement forward together

Omega Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated is a Greek-lettered organization committed to spreading the Awareness of Violence Against Women. The mission of OPBSI is to serve and educate people of diverse backgrounds through sisterhood, leadership and guidance. As positive role models, we promote unity of all cultures, focus on the…

OPBSI Announces Ray of Hope Walk Beneficiary for 2018-2019

Omega Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated is a Greek-lettered organization committed to spreading the Awareness of Violence Against Women. The mission of OPBSI is to serve and educate people of diverse backgrounds through sisterhood, leadership and guidance. As positive role models, we promote unity of all cultures, focus on the…

Ray of Hope Walk 2016-2017: Building a Movement

Omega Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated is a Greek-lettered organization committed to spreading the Awareness of Violence Against Women. The mission of OPBSI is to serve and educate people of diverse backgrounds through sisterhood, leadership and guidance. As positive role models, we promote unity of all cultures, focus on the…

Trustee, Philanthropist and Now: Fulbright Scholar

Trustee, Philanthropist and Now: Fulbright Scholar

Former Trustee has been named Fulbright Scholar Dr. Cassandra St. Vil, former National Officer and Trustee of Omega Phi Beta was recently featured in Buffalo State College’s newsletter talking about her professional achievements and her Fulbright Scholar grant which she was awarded this year. The article, titled From Teenage…

Cosmopolitan Interviews Sister About Being Latina in Higher Ed

Cosmopolitan Interviews Sister About Being Latina in Higher Ed

Our Sister Discusses Why Latina Students’ Path to Higher Education Is More Complex Than Ever We couldn’t be any prouder of sister Joannie Diaz for being featured in an article for Cosmopolitan Magazine. We are very excited to see this feature in Cosmo Feb 17 issue! – Divided Dreams really…

Dear World Photo Project

Dear World Photo Project

Dear World Photo Project Dear World is a project that explores stories of hope, struggles, and those of a brighter day. Dear World is working towards a beautiful, wonderful world where more people send a message to family, friends and strangers in this way. Sister Mariana “Naci’alnur” Gomez, who…

Sister Connects with LGBTQ+ As a Barber

Sister Connects with LGBTQ+ As a Barber

Sister in BK Empowers the LGBTQIA Community Through Her Craft as a Barber Recently one of our Sorority Sisters was featured by Great Big Story for her work(wo)manship as a Brooklyn barber. Desireé Marshall, initiated at our Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University, works at The Gamesman barbershop. In…

Meet Our ROHW 2016 Beneficiary: Meet AF3IRM

Meet Our ROHW 2016 Beneficiary: Meet AF3IRM

Power in Sisterhood – AF3IRM and the Ray of Hope Walk! What does the phrase “a woman’s place is at the head of the struggle” mean? Check out this must-see interview with Ivy Quicho, National Organizing Director for the Ray of Hope Walk’s Beneficiary: AF3IRM. Our 2016 Ray…

Launch of the 2016 ROHW is HERE!

Launch of the 2016 ROHW is HERE!

2016 ROHW Weekend of Activism Launch is Here! Watch the promotional video for the 2016 Ray of Hope Walk to End Violence Against Women (ROHW). This year, our Weekend of Activism will take place in THREE CITIES! Join the movement in New York City, Chicago, and Berkeley! For more information…