Yearly Archives: 2016

OPBSI Winners at NALFO Awards

National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO) is the coalition of 16 Latina/o based sororities and fraternities in the United States. NALFO exists to unite and empower its Latino organizations and their communities through advocacy, cultural awareness, and organizational development while fostering positive interfraternal relationships and collaborating on issues…

Sister Connects with LGBTQ+ As a Barber

Sister Connects with LGBTQ+ As a Barber

Sister in BK Empowers the LGBTQIA Community Through Her Craft as a Barber Recently one of our Sorority Sisters was featured by Great Big Story for her work(wo)manship as a Brooklyn barber. Desireé Marshall, initiated at our Kappa Chapter at Hofstra University, works at The Gamesman barbershop. In…

Meet Our ROHW 2016 Beneficiary: Meet AF3IRM

Meet Our ROHW 2016 Beneficiary: Meet AF3IRM

Power in Sisterhood – AF3IRM and the Ray of Hope Walk! What does the phrase “a woman’s place is at the head of the struggle” mean? Check out this must-see interview with Ivy Quicho, National Organizing Director for the Ray of Hope Walk’s Beneficiary: AF3IRM. Our 2016 Ray…

Sister Supports Orlando Pulse Community Through Her Art

Sister Supports Orlando Pulse Community Through Her Art

OPBSI Sister Uses Love & Creativity to Raise Money for Orlando! Sister Theresa Flores has many loves and talents, among them is her amazing illustration abilities! After the tragic events at Pulse nightclub in Orlando this past June, Ms. Flores took pen to paper to express herself and show support…

GCG Winner 2016

GCG Winner 2016

Meet the 2016 Golden Colibri Grant Recipients! For the first time in our Herstory, we have awarded not one, but two incredible sisters as the winners of the Golden Colibri Grant. Congratulations to Yasmeen Elsakary and Lotus Feliz! Lotus Feliz is a Spring 2010 Initiate at Beta Delta Chapter at…

RFTG Book Scholarship Winner 2016

RFTG Book Scholarship Winner 2016

Meet the 2016 RFTG Book Scholarship Recipient! We are pleased to announce that Ms. Angelica Kim of Vancouver has been selected as this year’s winner of the Reach for the Gold Book Scholarship. We received several outstanding applications and equally exceptional recommendations making the selection process very competitive for…

Launching ROHW with Benefit in NYC

Launching ROHW with Benefit in NYC

ROHW in New York City will Launch its 5th Year with a Benefit in Brooklyn Join the NYC Ray of Hope Walk Committee as we launch this year’s walk with a Benefit Night! This will be the 5th annual ROHW in New York City! Come out and enjoy live…

NY Afro-Latino Festival Names Sister as Honoree

NY Afro-Latino Festival Names Sister as Honoree

Afro-Latino Festival of New York names Sister as one this year’s Honorees! Our Sister Ariana Curtis, from Omicron Chapter, has been named as an honoree at this year’s Afro-Latino Festival in New York City. Dr. Curtis, a former Fulbright Scholar, is a cultural anthropologist with an…

Launch of the 2016 ROHW is HERE!

Launch of the 2016 ROHW is HERE!

2016 ROHW Weekend of Activism Launch is Here! Watch the promotional video for the 2016 Ray of Hope Walk to End Violence Against Women (ROHW). This year, our Weekend of Activism will take place in THREE CITIES! Join the movement in New York City, Chicago, and Berkeley! For more information…

GSU Neo on PBS News Hour

GSU Neo on PBS News Hour

GSU Neo speaks to PBS about the College Experience Angelica Sanchez, our Neophyte from the Collective at Georgia State University, spoke to the team at PBS News Hour’s segment on “Making the Grade” about her experiences as a first-generation college student in a competitive academic environment (Starting at…